LOG-file for Pluvio1 meaning Pluvio 400 outside wind fence, connected to port COM5, originally, but some changes later. 20140114 The surface of the liquid is frozen, so anti-freeze liquid is added 1l, equals now 6 l.Dmitri Moisseev 20140115 4 l of anti-freeze is added, the liquid is mixed and it is now slush. Anti-freeze equals now 10l. Power-cuts and usb-cuts are tested.File naming convention changed, data storage is now Pluvio400_01 (Before Pluvio400_02). Annakaisa von Lerber 2014-01-31 Checking the system finished at about 08:45 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2014-04-14 Checking that the pluviometer base was horizontal at 14:08-14:10 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2014-05-12 18:15 - 18:58 UTC Bucket is emptied and switched to inside the wind fence. The file is now called with 400 and _is_. 2014-05-19 the base tubes of the both pluvios were switched so that their tops would match the wind shield levels. During the process the horizontality of the scale plate was checked as well. Matti Leskinen 2014-06-11 Pluvio200_os was not working after the thunderstorm, testing was performed during the day. No rain. - Annakaisa 2014-06-30 PC clock set manually at 11:58:30 UTC, the clock was late about 2:50 minutes. Matti Leskinen 2014-08-25 Switched the weighing scales of the two pluviometers, and changed the instrument labels. After the changes Pluvio400_i0 and Pluvio200_o0 are used for the two systems. Matti Leskinen 2014-09-29 Pluviometers were switched back to their original positions. Pluvio200_02 on the platform inside the fence, and Pluvio400_01 inside the Alter shield on the field. During the switch insects and other macroscopic objects were taken away from the liquids. Matti Leskinen 2014-10-07 Pluviometer record had ended on the 6th, and logger was restarted 10:00 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2014-11-03 Electric power cut 2014-10-28, and recording halted until 2014-11-02. For some reason recording stopped on the 3rd, and restarted after replugging the serial-USB socket. Matti Leskinen 2014-11-04 The liquid is changed. The ratio of anti-freeze is about 2/3 and around 10 l was added this to container. The mounted was leveled. -Annakaisa v. Lerber 2014-11-17 Testing if the Pluvio software could be upgraded, but no driver found in laptop. During the process it became clear that the recording was switched for Pluvio400 and Pluvio200. The recording was switched to use "COM5" port from the right serial input cable beginning 14:25 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2014-11-18 The problem with wrong instrument in the files was being corrected and data labels were updated, PluvioErr folder was created to store the original files. Matti Leskinen 2014-11-24 Ott Pluvio2 system software upgrade V.1.31.0, Recording break around 10:15-12:30 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2014-12-03 Time check, Wed Dec 3 10:15:45 UTC 2014: Pluvio 10:14:00. Time adjusted manually 11:05:45 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2014-12-15 Short logger break to check the voltages sent to the Pluvios. Found 24V OK for both. Changed W2TIME update interval from 360000 to 7200. Matti Leskinen 2015-01-07 Added antifreeze liquid around 12:05 UTC: 458 to 520 mm. Matti Leskinen 2015-01-14 Time difference to reference found -42 s, time changed manually. Matti Leskinen 2015-01-26 Pluviometer bucket was emptied after 12 UTC. New antifreeze solution was added, and this meant a step change in recorded weight to about 260 mm. Later problems noticed in record before 18:30 UTC, restarted logger but without success, then by replugging to "COM5" port and starting logger was OK at 18:36 UTC. Annakaisa von Lerber, Matti Leskinen 2015-01-27 Record problem around 07-08 UTC. Obviously restarted. Matti Leskinen 2015-02-10 Time difference -43 s, clock adjusted manually 14:56:12 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-02-13 Name of the logger script of Pluvio400 changed to pluvio_logger1. Matti Leskinen 2015-02-19 Recording had stopped 11:15 UTC, restarted logger 14:09 UTC, OK. Matti Leskinen 2015-04-10 Recording had stopped 13:59 UTC, restarted logger 17:56 UTC, OK. Matti Leskinen 2015-04-13 Power source maintenance caused short breaks in recoring in the afternoon. Matti Leskinen 2015-04-27 The PC clock was set to match the real time according to the site server at 14:13:30 UTC, the PC clock was about 2 minutes lagging at the time. Matti Leskinen 2015-05-29 PC time behind 54 seconds, time set 07:49:40 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-06-17 Emptied the bucket and level the instrument 07 - 11 UTC Annakaisa von Lerber 2015-08-11 PC clock was running behind about 2.5 minutes, and the clock was set at 21:05:55 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-08-25 Recording had stopped 11:53 UTC. Restarting logger after 13:30 UTC did not help. Matti Leskinen 2015-09-07 Pluviometer recording was moved to "Hotplate" laptop, starting at about 09:10 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-09-13 Recording had stopped on the 12th 06:20 UTC, restarted on the 13th 06:46 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-09-14 Recording had stopped on the 13th 22:00 UTC, restarted on the 14th 12:54 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-10-04 Recording had stopped 01:59 UTC, restarted logger at 07:20 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2015-11-25 Restarted 11:55 UTC. Since 20th a lot of power cuts and restarts. Matti Leskinen 2015-12-06 Logger restarted 07:41 UTC. Recording had stopped on th 5th at about 03:30 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2016-01-04 Antifreeze liquid was added 13 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2016-03-03 03:33 UTC recording had stopped. Restarted logger1 06:50 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2016-04-01 Recording had stopped on March 31st 14 UTC, restarted 07:12 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2016-05-31 Recording had stopped at about 14:50 UTC. Matti Leskinen 2016-06-01 Mistakenly shutting down the system in the morning while figuring out Pluvio400 problem. Start of the system at about 13 UTC by Janne Levula. Matti Leskinen