function retrieve_hid,radar,sounding_file=sounding_file,$ ldr=ldr,qc=qc,POSTSCRIPT=postscript COMMON misc,TRUE,FALSE COMMON graphics,USE_Z_BUFFER,TC,XS,YS,cols,rows COMMON graphic_parms,scale,bottom,ncolors COMMON dirs,img_dir,uf_dir,hid_img_dir,hid_dir,dsd_dir !QUIET=1 ; print,'Working in npol_radial_hid!' if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT)) then postscript=FALSE ;This is a program to run HID on polar-coordinate UF files. The program ;makes use of the RSL in IDL TRMM GV library suite. ;Written by Brenda Dolan ;10 July 2008 ;Modifications by Timothy Lang, April 2011 ;Modifications by Brenda Dolan, June 2012 to read NASA_QC NPOL files, ;as ;well as the new HID beta functions ( from ;scattering ;simulations, and the new fuzzy logic algorithm ; ; ; INPUTS ; file: Specify a specific file. If not included, it ; will ;look for all *.uf files sounding_file: Specify the sounding file to ;be used in the temperature interpolation. If nothing is specified, ; it will use a default melting level and standard lapse rate. ; ; Sounding file is assumed to come from the University of Wyoming ; site, where the 2nd column is height in m (MSL) and the 3rd column ; is temperature in CÂș. ; ldr: set this keyword if LDR is one of the ; available variables to be used in the HID. ; qc: set this keyword to use a flag field or the ; sq, VR and KD fields to threshold bad data. ; OUTPUT ; FH: Added to the UF file. Corresponds to the fuzzy logic HID field. ; ; *** Set to postscript ; USE_Z_BUFFER=TRUE bad=-32767.0 ; ; *** Check to see if a structure was returned. ; a = size(radar,/type) if(a ne 8) then begin flag = 'No structure returned: ' + file return,flag endif date_time=rsl_datetime(radar,jdate=jdate) ;;; Change these varaible names to correspond to the names in the ;;; UF file that is being read. dzname='CZ' drname='DR' kdname='KD' rhname='RH' vename='VR' rrname='RR' swname='SW' sqname='SQ' ;;; This will change the plot range. maxr=125 minr=0 n_elev=n_elements(radar.volume[0].sweep[0].ray.h.elev) n_bins=n_elements(radar.volume[0].sweep[0].ray[0].range) n_sweep=radar.volume[0].h.nsweeps gate_size=float(radar.volume[0].sweep[0].ray[0].h.gate_size) wh_zh=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq dzname) DZ=radar.volume[wh_zh].sweep.ray.range bad=radar.volume[wh_zh].h.no_data_flag ;;;;;;;NEW;;;;;:Add SW and SQ to threshold based on these;;;;;;;;; wh_sw=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq swname) IF wh_sw[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN SW=radar.volume[wh_sw].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN SW=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE wh_sq=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq sqname) IF wh_sq[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN SQ=radar.volume[wh_sq].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN SQ=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;END NEW;;;;;;;;;;;; wh_zd=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq drname) IF wh_zd[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN DR=radar.volume[wh_zd].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN DR=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE wh_kd=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq kdname) IF wh_kd[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN KD=radar.volume[wh_kd].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN KD=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE wh_rh=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq rhname) IF wh_rh[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN RH=radar.volume[wh_rh].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN RH=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE wh_ve=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq vename) IF wh_ve[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN VE=radar.volume[wh_ve].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN VE=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE wh_rr=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq rrname) IF wh_rr[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN RR=radar.volume[wh_rr].sweep.ray.range ENDIF ELSE BEGIN RR=DZ*0.0+bad ENDELSE IF keyword_set(ldr) THEN BEGIN wh_lh=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq 'LH') LD=radar.volume[wh_lh].sweep.ray.range fhc_vars={Zh:1,Zdr:1,Kdp:1,LDR:1,rho_hv:1,T:1} fhc_vars.LDR=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN fhc_vars={Zh:1,Zdr:1,Kdp:1,LDR:0,rho_hv:1,T:1} fhc_vars.LDR=0 ENDELSE ;;;;NOW we need to clean up the data based on the Flag field from DROPS IF keyword_set(qc) THEN BEGIN wh_fl=where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq 'FL') IF wh_fl[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN FL=radar.volume[wh_fl].sweep.ray.range thresh=where(fl eq 0) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;;;;;IF FL is not available, use a very rudimentary method of cleaning up the data ;;;;;;REPLACE: THRESHOLDING BASED ON KD, SQ, and SW/VE instead of Dz, ZDr;;;;;; thresh=where(SQ lt 0.2 OR kd eq bad or $ (sw lt 1.0 and ve lt 0.1 and ve gt -0.1 )) ;;;;;;ENDREPLACEMENT;;;;;; ; print,'Using SQ / KD for thresholding!' ENDELSE dz[thresh]=bad dr[thresh]=bad kd[thresh]=bad rh[thresh]=bad ve[thresh]=bad rr[thresh]=bad ; write the masked dr and dz back into their structures... radar.volume[wh_zh].sweep.ray.range=DZ radar.volume[wh_zd].sweep.ray.range=DR radar.volume[wh_kd].sweep.ray.range=KD radar.volume[wh_rh].sweep.ray.range=RH radar.volume[wh_ve].sweep.ray.range=VE radar.volume[wh_rh].sweep.ray.range=RH IF wh_rr[0] ne -1 THEN BEGIN radar.volume[wh_rr].sweep.ray.range=RR ENDIF ENDIF nelev=n_elements(DZ(0,*,0)) nbins=n_elements(DZ(*,0,0)) nsweep=n_elements(DZ(0,0,*)) ;;;;Calculate heights for each bin;;;;;;;;;; height=fltarr(nbins,nelev,nsweep) range=fltarr(nbins,nelev,nsweep) elev=fltarr(nbins,nelev,nsweep) relev=fltarr(nbins,nelev,nsweep) T_dat=fltarr(nbins,nelev,nsweep) ;range=findgen(n_bins)*150. FOR ii=0,nbins-1 DO BEGIN FOR jj=0,nelev-1 DO BEGIN FOR kk=0,nsweep-1 DO BEGIN range[ii,jj,kk]=float(ii)*gate_size/1000. elev1=float(radar.volume[0].sweep[kk].ray[jj].h.elev) IF elev1 ne bad THEN BEGIN elev(ii,jj,kk)=elev1 relev(ii,jj,kk)=elev(ii,jj,kk)*3.14159/180. IF elev(ii,jj,kk) lt 0.0 THEN BEGIN elev(ii,jj,kk)=0.0 relev(ii,jj,kk)=0.0 ENDIF ;;;Assume a standard relationship betwene height, range and elevation angle. height[ii,jj,kk]=(range[ii,jj,kk])^2/17000.+$ (range[ii,jj,kk])*SIN(relev[ii,jj,kk]) IF height(ii,jj,kk) lt 0.0 THEN BEGIN ; print,'Uh-oh! sounding height is less than zero!' break ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN elev(ii,jj,kk)=0.0 relev(ii,jj,kk)=0.0 height[ii,jj,kk]=0.0 ENDELSE ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDFOR ;aglheight=height;+0.5 ;;;;This loop requires a univeristy of wyoming sounding, where height ;;;;is in the 2nd column and temperature in the 3rd. Really, ;;;;temperature can come from any source for the HID it just ;;;;needs to end up the same size as the other HID input variables. line='' IF keyword_set(sounding_file) THEN BEGIN ; print,'Using sounding!' openr,unit,sounding_file,/get_lun sdumh=fltarr(200) sdumt=fltarr(200) i=0 ; ; *** Header lines ; readf,unit,line readf,unit,line WHILE ~EOF(unit) DO BEGIN readf,unit,line line_split=strsplit(line,' ', /Extract) IF n_elements(line_split) gt 2 THEN BEGIN sdumh(i)=line_split[1] sdumt(i)=line_split[2] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN sdumh(i)=0.00 sdumt(i)=0.00 ENDELSE i=i+1 ENDWHILE close, unit free_lun,unit use_temp=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_temp=1 print,'No sounding file, using typical lapse rate 6 deg / km' stop ;use_temp=0 to=20.0 zo=0.5 sdumh=findgen(20)*1000+zo sdumt=findgen(20)*(-6)+to ENDELSE aglheight=height+0.3 ;Now we need to interpolate the temperatures to our grid wh_dat=where(sdumh ne 0.00) sheight=sdumh(wh_dat)/1000. temp=sdumt(wh_dat) ;T_dat=interp_sounding(aglheight,sheight,temp) ; print,'Interpolating sounding!' FOR ll=0,n_bins-1 do begin FOR j=0,n_elev-1 do begin FOR k=0,n_sweep-1 do begin diff=abs(aglheight(ll,j,k)-sheight) wh_m=where(diff eq min(diff)) ; T_dat(ll,j,k)=temp(wh_m[0]) ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDFOR ; print,'Done interpolating sounding!' use_temp=1 NoMix=1 ;We no longer use mix types such as rain + hail ; Get which variables to use in the FHC fhc_vars.Zh=1 fhc_vars.Zdr=1 fhc_vars.Kdp=1 fhc_vars.rho_hv=1 fhc_vars.T=1 var_names = '' ; Find which ones are going to be used. IF(fhc_vars.Zh) THEN var_names += 'Zh' IF(fhc_vars.Zdr) THEN var_names += ', Zdr' IF(fhc_vars.Kdp) THEN var_names += ', Kdp' IF(fhc_vars.LDR) THEN var_names += ', LDR' IF(fhc_vars.rho_hv) THEN var_names += ', rho_hv' IF((fhc_vars.T)AND(use_temp)) THEN var_names += ', T' var_names = '('+var_names+')' ; radar_data = {DZ:DZ,DR:DR,KD:KD,RH:RH,LD:LD} IF keyword_set(ldr) THEN BEGIN radar_data = {DZ:DZ,DR:DR,KD:KD,RH:RH,LD:LD} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN radar_data = {DZ:DZ,DR:DR,KD:KD,RH:RH} ENDELSE ;;; Get the membership beta functions. The cdf_betas_sum is ;;; the summer hid from simulations, as of June 2012. Specify ;;; the /use_temp keyword to include temperature. cdf_betas_sum,mbf_sets,use_temp=use_temp ;;; Define the weights for each variable. Although Zh and T are ;;; given weights, a hybrid method is used in the actual algorithm ;;; where the pol variables are weighted an the final score is ;;; multiplied by the Zh and T scores. weights= {W_Zh: 1.5,$ ; Same for all hydrotypes. W_Zdr: 0.8,$ W_Kdp: 0.8,$ W_rho: 0.4,$ W_Ldr: 0.5,$ W_T: 0.4} ;;; Call the HID subroutine, cdf_fhc_all. Pass the mbf_sets, ;;; radar_data structure, variables to be used (fhc_vars), temperature ;;; data, and weighting structure. FHTN = cdf_fhc_all(radar_data,mbf_sets,fhc_vars,T_dat, $ weights=weights,use_temp=use_temp) ;;Add the HID To the radar structure. ; print,'DZNAME: ',dzname vol=rsl_get_volume(radar,dzname) rsl_add_volume,radar,vol,field='FH' wh_fht = where(radar.volume.h.field_type eq 'FH') ; radar.volume[wh_fht].sweep.ray.range=*FHTN radar.volume[wh_fht].sweep.ray.range=FHTN ;;; NEW: Specifiy hte maxrng to be used in the plot as the ;;; maximum range. maxrng=max(range) maxhgt=15 ;USE maxrng in all the rsl_plotsweep_from_radar calls in lines 412-458; ;;;;;;;;;;ENDNEW;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dum='NPOL_'+date_time ;fields=[dzname,drname,kdname,rhname,'FH',vename,rrname] ;IF keyword_set(ldr) THEN BEGIN ; fields=[dzname,drname,kdname,rhname,'FH',vename,rrname,'LD'] ;ENDIF scan_type=radar.h.scan_mode ;Look for the azimuth or elevation angle. IF scan_type eq 'RHI' THEN BEGIN ; FOR q=0,nsweep-1 DO BEGIN FOR q=0,0 DO BEGIN ; plot_save_rhi,radar,drname,'ZD', q,maxhgt,maxrng,POSTSCRIPT=postscript ; plot_save_rhi,radar,vename,'VR', q,maxhgt,maxrng,POSTSCRIPT=postscript ; plot_save_rhi,radar,dzname,'CZ', q,maxhgt,maxrng,POSTSCRIPT=postscript ; plot_save_rhi,radar,kdname,'KC',q,maxhgt,maxrng,POSTSCRIPT=postscript ; plot_save_rhi,radar,'FH','FHSUM',q,maxhgt,maxrng,POSTSCRIPT=postscript ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ; *** Plot PPI sweeps ; FOR ss=0,nsweep-1 DO BEGIN ; plot_save_sweep,radar,drname,'ZD',ss,maxrng ; plot_save_sweep,radar,vename,'VR',ss,maxrng ; plot_save_sweep,radar,'RH' ,'RH',ss,maxrng ; plot_save_sweep,radar,rrname,'RR',ss,maxrng ; plot_save_sweep,radar,kdname,'KD',ss,maxrng ; plot_save_sweep,radar,dzname,'DZ',ss,maxrng ; plot_save_sweep,radar,'FH' ,'FHSUM',ss,maxrng ENDFOR ENDELSE ;;;;Write the data out to a new file with _hid.uf and a new variable 'FH'. ; hid_uf_file= hid_dir + org_file_base + '.HID.uf.gz' ; rsl_radar_to_uf_gzip,radar,hid_uf_file ; print,' -> ' + hid_uf_file ; print ;Do some cleanup so that if running a lot if files it doesn't run out of memory. ; radar=0 ; *fhtn=0 fhtn=0 dz=0 dr=0 rh=0 kd=0 sheight=0 temp=0 sdumh=0 sdumt=0 elev=0 relev=0 height=0 ve=0 rr=0 T_dat=0 return,'OK' END