pro tdg2_nc_python,year,month ; **************************************************************** ; This procedure will take Kwaj gridded data with 1km H res and 1 km ; height and will assign a label corresponding to the 0.1 deg box number ; from a 0.1 deg grid. Label will range from 0 to 528 depending on ; resulting X,Y position. ; ; Write netcdf file with all relevant info. ; Last modified: 1/19/2021 for inclusion of 0.0 rates if no rainy pixels. ; Modified May 2022 for this version to read python-gridded files at 1km level. ; ; David Marks ; SSAI @ WFF ; ******************************************************************** year = string(year,format='(I4.4)') month = string(month,format='(I2.2)') ; Directory structures in_dir = '/gpmraid/gpmarchive/Radar/KPOL/Gridded/' + year + '/' + month + '/temp/' out_dir = '/gpmraid/gpmarchive/Radar/KPOL/Gridded/IMERG_grid/' + year + '/' spawn,'mkdir -p ' + out_dir ; Find data files -- these are the 1km H-res gridded files wc = in_dir + '*nc.gz' files = file_search(wc,COUNT=nf) if (nf eq 0) then begin print,'No NetCDF files found in ' + in_dir stop endif ; ; ; ** Files were nc into IDL structure for ifiles=0L,nf-1 do begin cf = files[ifiles] flag = uncomp_file(cf,file) if(flag ne 'OK') then begin print,flag goto,next_file endif print,'<-- ' + file ncdf_read,orig_grid,filename=file,/all ; Set up our 0.1 deg grid centered on Kwaj radar location or IMERG 0.1 deg center ; get_grids,dx,dy,dz,nx,ny,nz,center_lat,center_lon,xgrid,ygrid,zgrid ; get_deg_grids,0.1,0.1,1,23,23,1,8.718,167.732,xgrid,ygrid,zgrid; KPOL radar location get_deg_grids,0.1,0.1,1,23,23,1,8.75,167.75,xgrid,ygrid,zgrid; KWAJ -- modified center to match IMERG 0.1 deg center per J. Wang ; get_deg_grids,0.1,0.1,1,23,23,1,38.25,-75.35,xgrid,ygrid,zgrid; NPOL-Newark -- modified center to match IMERG 0.1 deg center per J. Wang ; ** Read lon/lat for each 1km data point and find closest xgrid / ygrid position ; ** This is set for a 301 x 301 grid ; ** Initialize arrays for each file diff_lon = fltarr(23) diff_lat = fltarr(23) point_label = intarr(301,301) point_label[*,*] = -99; initalize rc_1d = [ ] pt_1d = [ ] total_points = intarr(23,23) rain_points = intarr(23,23) rc_uncond_mean = fltarr(23,23); unconditional rc_cond_mean = fltarr(23,23); conditional for iposn = 0,300 do begin for jposn = 0,300 do begin ; my_lon = orig_grid.lon0[iposn,jposn]; for radx gridded file ; my_lat = orig_grid.lat0[iposn,jposn] my_lon = orig_grid.POINT_LONGITUDE[iposn,jposn,1]; for pyart gridded file my_lat = orig_grid.POINT_LATITUDE[iposn,jposn,1] diff_lon = abs(xgrid-my_lon) diff_lat = abs(ygrid-my_lat) if min(diff_lon) gt 0.05 or min(diff_lat gt 0.05) then begin; outside of our grid point_label[iposn,jposn] = -99 goto,next_point endif xposn = where(diff_lon eq min(diff_lon)) xposn = xposn[0] yposn = where(diff_lat eq min(diff_lat)) yposn = yposn[0] ; ** Compute the 0.1 deg box label for this point point_label[iposn,jposn] = xposn + (yposn * 23) ; ** Put the point label and rc data for that point in 1d arrays for easier indexing pt_1d = [pt_1d,point_label[iposn,jposn]] rc_1d = [rc_1d,orig_grid.rc[iposn,jposn,1]] next_point: endfor endfor ; ** 0.1 deg box labels are complete for all points ; ** Compute rr averages (conditional and uncond.) and place in arrays. ; ** There are 529 0.1 deg boxes in our 23 x 23 array. for ibox = 0,528 do begin q = where(pt_1d eq ibox,cq) total_points[ibox] = cq; # total points in this box box_data = rc_1d(q) valid = where(box_data gt 0.0,cvalid) rain_points[ibox] = cvalid; # rainy points in this box if (cvalid eq 0) then begin rc_uncond_mean[ibox] = 0.0; no rain points rc_cond_mean[ibox] = 0.0 endif else begin; we have rates > 0.0 my_valid = box_data(valid); gt 0.0 rates rc_cond_mean[ibox] = mean(my_valid) uncond = where(box_data lt 0.0,c_uncond) if (c_uncond gt 0) then box_data(uncond) = 0.0 rc_uncond_mean[ibox] = mean(box_data) endelse endfor; 0.1 deg boxes ; ** parse filename and write data a = strsplit(file,'_',/EXTRACT) b = strsplit(a[3],'.',/EXTRACT) time = b[0] out_file = out_dir + a[0] + '_' + a[1] + a[2] + '_' + time + '' print print,' -->' + out_file print ; Set up file and handler for netcdf output n_lon = n_elements(xgrid); same for lat ygrid n_lat = n_elements(ygrid); n_ht = n_elements(zgrid) fid=ncdf_create(out_file,/CLOBBER) d=indgen(3); number of dimensions ; Set Diminsions d[0]=ncdf_dimdef(fid,'lon_elements',n_lon) d[1]=ncdf_dimdef(fid,'lat_elements',n_lat) d[2]=ncdf_dimdef(fid,'ht_elements',n_ht) ; Define variables var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'Longitude',d[0],/float) var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'Latitude',d[1],/float) var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'Height',d[2],/float) var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'Total_points',[d[0],d[1]],/long) var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'Rain_points',[d[0],d[1]],/long) var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'RC_rate_uncond',[d[0],d[1]],/float) var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'RC_rate_cond',[d[0],d[1]],/float) ; var_id=ncdf_vardef(fid,'_FillValue',1,/float) ; Change modes to data mode ncdf_control,fid,/ENDEF ; Write data ncdf_varput,fid,'Longitude',xgrid ncdf_varput,fid,'Latitude',ygrid ncdf_varput,fid,'Height',zgrid ncdf_varput,fid,'Total_points',total_points ncdf_varput,fid,'Rain_points',rain_points ncdf_varput,fid,'RC_rate_uncond',rc_uncond_mean ncdf_varput,fid,'RC_rate_cond',rc_cond_mean ; Close file and release handler ncdf_close,fid print,' > Writing complete....Closing...' print next_file: spawn,'rm ' + './'+file; remove file copy endfor stop end